Achieving Goals in 2021: SJC Fitness and Health Club

The start of the new year and semester means new opportunities to get involved around campus. Maria Ayoub ‘23 recently started the SJC Fitness and Health Club as a way to allow students the opportunity to better themselves through exercise and healthy habits.
With the resources at St. John’s, like the weight rooms, after school workouts and athletic trainers, a great athlete has everything they could need to get stronger and improve as a player over their time as a Cadet. While the athletes have great resources, there is seemingly a lack of opportunities for students who do not enjoy organized sports to stay active.
The goal of the Fitness and Health Club is to provide an environment where any person at any athletic level can learn how to exercise safely while surrounded by their supportive peers. “I believe working out is for everyone, not just athletes, so giving people an opportunity to work out and exercise was very important to me” Ayoub said.
The club’s sponsor, Ms. Logan, was excited to help because of Ayoub’s motivation to encourage students. She said, “Maria certainly identified a need in the community and set out to address it. I think very highly of self-starters, so I was more than happy to assist with the club.”
So far, Ms. Logan thinks the club has been successful. She is “thrilled by the buy-in of club members and hopes that we can all work together to achieve our fitness goals.”
Club member Zoe Beuzelin ‘23 said she joined the club to increase her stamina as she learns how to play new sports and try new things athletically. According to Zoe, the Fitness Club has made her more motivated to work out in and outside of the meetings.
In the future, members are excited to use the new facilities at St. John’s to allow all students to be even more successful on their fitness journey.
To learn more about the club, check out @sjcfitnessandhealth on Instagram.