Morning News
Photo Gallery: SJC vs. Middletown (Del.)
Get ready for the St. John’s Cadets’ game against Gonzaga Prep (Wa.) by reliving last week’s victory against Middletown (Del.). This slideshow requires JavaScript.
Morning News
Get ready for the St. John’s Cadets’ game against Gonzaga Prep (Wa.) by reliving last week’s victory against Middletown (Del.). This slideshow requires JavaScript.
Around Campus
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Around Campus
Morning News
Morning News
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Around Campus
Over the past year, many St. John’s students have built businesses where they are able to use their passion for money. These entrepreneurs are finding ways to keep their businesses alive while finally being fully back in school. Isabella Totia ‘22 created Six Hundred Seas Artwork in June 2020.
Around Campus
Around Campus
As St. John’s near the end of the school year, we are getting closer and closer to welcoming the class of 2025. Through the changes of this year, the St. John’s admissions team has found unique ways to admit students and prepare them for their first year of
Around Campus
With the changes brought in the last year due to the pandemic, learning has become extremely challenging for many students. The SJC Writing Center has adapted to this new format, allowing them to continue to help students improve their writing without one-on-one support. In the past, the Writing Center was
Around Campus
The start of the new year and semester means new opportunities to get involved around campus. Maria Ayoub ‘23 recently started the SJC Fitness and Health Club as a way to allow students the opportunity to better themselves through exercise and healthy habits. With the resources at St. John’s,
Around Campus
This year, due to Covid-19 restrictions, shadow visits, in-person Open House, and other on-campus activities for future cadets to experience life at St. John’s have been canceled. The St. John’s Admissions team is getting creative in finding new ways to welcome and admit the St. John’s class
Around Campus
On Tuesday, September 1, St. John’s celebrated a time-honored tradition within the Cadet Corps Leadership Program, the Sabre Ceremony. Cadets receive a sabre that is presented to them by a family member, symbolizing the passing down of leadership from prior seniors and honoring their hard work over the past