Around Campus
Around Campus
Around Campus
Editorial note: This year Mrs. Gelso returned from maternity leave in January only to have the school year disrupted by the Coronavirus pandemic. As an educator who was not previously accustomed to teaching in an online setting, Mrs. Gelso has adapted to online learning incredibly well and continues to find
Hundreds of churches have been forced to close as a result of Coronavirus in D.C, Maryland, and Virginia. Many have decided to transition to live streaming services online and posting videos on their websites. At the time of reporting, Coronavirus cases in the United States have passed 200,000
Around Campus
Junior year at St. John’s is packed with SAT prep, AP courses, and the pressure to perform well for college applications. Additionally, many students participate in a sport or club that takes up significant time. Because of this, few students have time for a job. However, these three Juniors
While Disney Channel itself has changed substantially throughout the past ten years, its star actors and actresses have been known for their hit or miss transformations. It’s hard to transition from portraying a cookie-cutter teenager to living in the real world as an adult. These are the top five
Morning News
According to the American Public Health Association, every year at least five million people have their wisdom teeth removed, most of them teenagers. On Monday, Nov. 26, I became one of them when I had all four of my wisdom teeth surgically removed. Here’s what I experienced and what
Around Campus
The Sabre’s Maddie Breeden takes you behind the scenes of Open Mic Night 2019.
Morning News
This year, St. John’s equestrian team is coming back stronger than ever before with a new coach, competition barn, team lessons, and a few new team members. Show Coach Deysha Rivera has been annexed to the coaching staff this year from our home barn, Rock Creek Park Horse Center.
Around Campus
This September, St. John’s welcomed a new dean of students to the staff, Mr. Smith. The new dean attended St. John’s and graduated in 2003, then attended Salisbury University to study philosophy and marketing. Mr. Smith said majoring in philosophy at college gave him “the ability to think
If you’ve ever been on the Tik Tok app, you probably know what a VSCO girl is. If you haven’t, here’s a brief description to keep you up to date. The VSCO girl was created within the last two years and originated on the Tik Tok social
Dodie Clark is an English singer-songwriter, author, and YouTuber who recently performed at the 9:30 Club in Washington, DC. Many St. John’s students enjoy her indie style of music and attended the shows on Thursday, Sept. 5, or Friday. Sept. 6. She is known for her flowing lyrics,