Band plays the right notes in Orlando

After two years of strict travel and health and safety protocols, the SJC Performing Arts was finally able to make a group trip to Orlando, Florida to perform both nationally and competitively this past April. Both conductors, Mr. Kenneth Hammond and Mrs. Katherine Linz as well as chorus instructor, Mrs. Kate Fernandez attended along with the students for this special opportunity. For many of our juniors, this was the first time they were able to display their talents in another state because of the strict precautions we have had to take for the past two years. This made the Performing Arts trip even more of a special and memorable experience for the students, since their hard work and dedication in class was finally able to be displayed.
Alina Edgecombe, class of 2023 has been involved in the string ensemble for all three of her years at SJC and was recently inducted into the Tri-M Music Honors society. Additionally, she continues to plays a prominent role in the honors orchestra. Edgecombe frequently plays for many school events including masses and open houses, but has not had the opportunity to perform nationally due to the pandemic limitations. She was finally able to attend the Performing Arts trip this year, and took a part in the honors orchestra performance at the Orlando Worldstrides. Edgecombe said: “It was a great opportunity. I had a great time playing, having fun with my friends at Universal, and it was a great first experience at an out-of-state music trip.” She also stated that it was particularly memorable given the amount of time they had to wait for this competition to finally take place safely.
Naomi Nicholas, a senior this year at SJC has been an active part of band for the entirety of both her middle and high school careers. Nicholas played in the Competition Jazz Band, Marching Band, and Wind Ensemble. Nicholas said that “out of all three, Competition Jazz was the most successful and enjoyable performance for me in Orlando. It not only received a gold rating, but also won the best band. It was an amazing experience to be able to be a part of. Nicholas was also able to attend the trip freshman year, but said that this year “it was an incredible relief to be able to go on such a fun and memorable trip after quarantine and COVID. “It felt like the genuine experience we had been deprived of for so long”.