Editorial: Should colleges continue to use the SAT in the admissions process?

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many colleges and universities across the nation have
become test-blind or test optional. This means they have made standardized tests, usually a
critical part of a student’s college application, optional or not required. Now, we are left with the question as to whether colleges should deem SAT scores mandatory in the future.Students at St. John’s agree that the SAT is not a fair assessment for college admissions.
Nagomi Myers ’22 said it does not reflect a student’s true intelligence as there are plenty of
students who are excellent in the academic field and are very knowledgeable in the classes
they’re taking but just don’t perform well on standardized tests.
The SAT can serve as a setback for many students who do not test well but are scholarly in their academic classes. Katie Monahan ’22 shares in the opinions of Myers and also adds that she does not think colleges should stop using the SAT completely, but the way they are doing it now with it being optional is beneficial.
It has proven beneficial not just because of the circumstances of the pandemic, but also because it allows colleges to focus more on other aspects of an applicant’s academic and social life.
Going forward, schools should rely less on the SAT for admittance decisions and more on other details in an application. Adrian Magdaleno ’22 said that essays, recommendations, grades, and interests should heavily be taken into account, especially extracurriculars pertaining to a students particular interests.
Applicants are way more than just a test score as each and every person has something that makes them unique and special. Colleges should recognize this and take this into consideration during the admissions process.
SAT scores do not truly present an applicant as a person. Colleges should continue to with their test-optional and test-blind policies while emphasizing the importance of extracurricular activities, academic grades, and essays.