Froshmore: Glowing Shirts and Glowing Smiles

The 2018 Freshman-Sophomore Dance (Froshmore), held Sept. 7, was a smash hit. The Glow theme this year brought more color than just the outfits. The Peer Ministers and SGA did an outstanding job with decorating and encouraging school spirit to kick off the Class of 2022’s freshman year at St. John’s.
At Froshmore, there were plenty of activities, including a supersized “Just Dance” game in the cafeteria, music and dancing in the auditorium, and fun snacks and refreshments in the cafeteria. The majority of music played was upbeat rap and pop, with periodic interjections from the DJ.
Halfway through the dance, the cafeteria ran out of mini water bottles and had to open up the soda fountains. The students were very happy about this, because who wouldn’t like free soda?
Along with popcorn and chips, St. John’s also had Rita’s Italian Ice cater the event. Tons of students enjoyed the icy sweets in cherry, mango, and blue raspberry flavors.
Here are some thoughts SJC students and teachers had about this year’s Froshmore:
“They (the Class of 2022) were energetic and are very social, more so than last year.”
~ Andrea Moreland ’20
“Much more neon, it looks like [the students] are having a lot of fun – glowing smiles and glowing outfits.”
~ Mr. Danso
“It’s fun and it’s nice. It has a good vibe and energy to it.”
~ Matthew Ayala ’22
“It’s fun! The music is good!”
~ Bella Merino ’22
“The decorations are a lot more colorful than last year!”
~ Brendan Shea ’21