How to grow your faith during coronavirus

During a national crisis, the first thing though many of us have is to turn to God. But when, for the first time in our lives, churches are closed, it can become uncertain on what to do. But whether its through a few extra prayers at night, a rosary, or viewing an online service, we have the opportunity to grow stronger in our faith.
Who You Can Pray For
Before you ask God for anything, try thanking him for 5 things. Start small, like with the coffee mug you are holding, and go up to bigger things like food, education, or your family. Then do the same for what you are asking for. You can pray for yourself, your family, your community, and the world. It’s really important to be thinking of coronavirus patients, their families, and all the people who are caring for them during this time.
Try a New Prayer!
A Novena is a traditional prayer that asks for one special intention or for God’s guidance over the course of 9 days. You can look up the prayer online and recite it by yourself or with your family.
How to View an Online Service
Plenty of parishes are offering online masses during this time. Even though we can’t receive the Eucharist right now, watching a mass can help to retain normalcy. Holy Redeemer parish airs their mass on YouTube, and Catholic University and the Archdiocese of Washington also have ones available:
Archdiocese of Washington link to streaming services