Jawanna Onuoha Rings the Senior Bell

Jawanna Onuoha Rings the Senior Bell
August 28th, 2024

On the first day of school, August 28th, 2024, Senior Jawanna Onuoha rang the 2020 Senior Bell to kickoff the 2024-2025 school year.

What was the process like to be chose to ring the bell?

The process was relatively simple. Dean Smith asked me sometime on Senior Kickoff: “Hey Jawanna, do you wanna ring the bell?” And I said “Sure!” It was a LOT more straightforward than I thought it would be.

How did you feel when you were chosen to ring the bell?

My immediate first thought was: “Why me?” Not to discourage myself or anything, I just feel like there were many other people that embodied the essence of a St. John’s student and as such deserved to ring the bell. Regardless, I was utterly speechless and honored to fulfill such an integral role to beginning the school year. I view it as my way of giving back to the St. John’s community for all it’s done for me since I was 14.

How has your experience with peer ministry been?

Where do I begin? I LOVE Peer Ministry! Being ministered to by my own Peer Ministers when I was a freshman was one of my most meaningful memories, and I love that I am able to give that energy back to the future stars of SJC. I see a lot of myself in the freshmen, and I’m excited to see them grow. Not only that, but the other Peer Ministers have done a beyond stellar job at leading these freshmen in the way they should go. I really feel like Ms. Stott and Ms. Michels made the absolute best choices in choosing who got to be a Peer Minster, and it really shows.

What has been your favorite thing throughout your whole time at SJC?

That is honestly one of the hardest questions I’ve had to answer… I’d have to say either this memory of ringing the bell, or the Fall Pep Rally last year. For those who aren’t aware, last year for the Pep Rally I was the sole representative for e-Sports as I ran out throwing a Kirby plush into the air. From what I heard, I got the most cheers out of all the sports team, which was an indescribably great feeling. It made me feel proud for sticking with e-Sports ever since I was freshman, especially now given how I am president of the club.

What are you looking forward to during your senior year?

To be honest, I feel like what I’m looking forward to the most is seeing how I can help the freshmen (and other classes, of course) not make the same mistakes I did and share pieces of wisdom that I’ve garnered over the years. In addition to that, I’m excited to attend events related to Peer Ministry and Student Government, like retreats, froshmore, and the likes. Most importantly, however, I’m excited to see how I can spread the word of God through my actions and give Him the glory in all that I do.

“Just a message to those who may have felt like how I felt when I was younger: as if your works never get acknowledged. Know that one day, you’ll be in the spotlight. Know that at the back of your mind, that even if a person doesn’t thank you for the stuff you do, your Father in Heaven is looking down at you with the biggest smile on his face. I encourage you, all of you, to keep up the good work in and outside the classroom. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be the one to ring the bell someday.”

-Jawanna Onuoha Class of 2025