Juniors participate in World Mental Health Day

This past Wednesday, the Junior class was given the opportunity to take part in a mental health day. This day was led by the counseling department and featured a keynote speaker as well as three other mental health focused activities. The juniors were divided into three groups that each rotated through the activities.
To kick off the event, everyone listened to Dr. Joel Fish, a psychologist, discuss psychology and healthy ways to improve your mental health. After the group discussion, all three group went their separate ways and moved into the three activities.
The first activity was led by Ms. Mitchell, and was yoga on Quinn field. The students got to the chance to unwind and destress by channeling their energy into stretches and sun salutations.
The next activity was a mental health based game of jeopardy led by Ms. Mcintosh-Peters. The game was a fun way to test our mental health knowledge and compete in a healthy way with our peers.
The final activity was an art project with Mr. Schwartz. Each student was given a piece of paper and a variety of tools in order to make a sort of “inspiration board” with words that represent our core values.
To end the event all the students participated in a group prayer with Ms. Coffey. This prayer was an examen, and involved us laying on the ground and reflecting on things that have happened so far this year.