Life as an SJC team manager

On almost all sports teams, there is typically a manager that helps out with the team. The same goes for the teams here at St. John’s. However, the duties of the manager can often be overlooked or ignored, as not everybody knows what exactly they do. To gain a better perspective on being a manager, The Sabre interviewed a few here at St. John’s.
One manager is Jesse Vega ’19, the manager of the very successful football team. Vega used to be a player himself, as he played on the freshman team. However, he says he realized that by being a manager, he would “be more beneficial to the team than he was as a player.”
He also described some of the pros and cons of his position. “It gets tough at times, hauling around water every day and getting swamped with tasks, but in the end, I know it is what needs to be done and I am just lightening the load off someone else’s back.” Vega also runs the team’s Instagram page, so make sure to follow it at
The next manager we interviewed was Vinnie Morin ’19, who manages the boys’ basketball team. He spoke similarly to Vega, saying that it is very “time consuming” as he has to “go to all the practices and set up everything,” but also mentioned that he “gets lots of gear and travels with the team.” Morin personally “loves basketball, and enjoys seeing people develop as players,” and added that he hopes to coach his kids one day.
The third and final manager that we interviewed was Iris Moseley ’20. She is a multi-sport manager, as she manages both the boys’ varsity lacrosse team and the girls’ field hockey team. She said that she enjoys managing, and one thing she likes about it is the fact that “you get to be on a team without actually playing.”
On the other hand, managing can be difficult at times for her, especially since she manages two sports. She added that one of the tough parts of the job is having to “miss class occasionally” as being a part of the teams interferes with the school day. Overall though,Moseley said she enjoys being the manager of both field hockey and lacrosse.