March and Rally for Life and a hope for tomorrow

Every year, thousands of women, men, teenagers, and children from all over the country attend the annual “March and Rally for Life”. This year, that included faculty members and students representing Saint John’s.
They gather with other pro-lifers on the National Mall and march on Capitol Hill occurring on the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision to officially legalize abortion in all 50 states. Saint John’s and dozens of other schools are not only present to stand up for what they believe is right, but more importantly, to celebrate God’s precious gift of life.
On Friday, January 24th, 2020, SJC teachers and several students first joined the Youth Rally and Mass for Life and then participated in the annual march.
Mr. Cooper, one of the faculty members in attendance, has been to the March for over 25 years. He spoke highly of his experience and said, “Seeing the next generation, half a million young people, really pumped me up! These children give me hope for tomorrow.” He also talked about the emotions he endured as well and said, “I felt one with the world. Following the idea of the ‘Seamless Garment’, we must come to understand that this is not only the start of solving the problem of abortion, but the spark of change in all areas.”
Two students, Maeve Ryan ‘22 and Mary Katherine Canary ‘20 also participated. Ryan began attending this event with her middle school and has gone every year since. She said her favorite speaker was a young woman who spoke about surviving her mothers attempted abortion. “I thought that was an amazing story to listen to,” Ryan said. Canary is a member of the Archdiocese of Washington’s Youth Leadership Team in which she has taken part in for the last two years. After the Mass concluded, Canary joined SJC for the March. She says her favorite part was the moving music at the Rally. Her main takeaway from this year’s March and Rally for Life was just how powerful it was to see so many other young people standing up for what they believe in.