SJC approves creation of Black Student Union

Over the summer the SJC Administration approved of St. John’s having a Black Student Union. The club was started by Samara Albert ‘21, Catherine Serrano’21, and Sierrah Remalia ’21.
They started the BSU for POC students to have a group to go to and relate with. Because although St. John’s is a diverse environment, there are many racial encounters that have happened to students of color. “We started it because we wanted to bring everyone together and especially for this time make everyone aware that we are in this together and St. John’s has your support,” Serrano said.
In the past other students have attempted to start a Black Student Union at St. John’s, but every time have been rejected. Samara, Catherine, and Sierrah went straight to Mr. Themistos and spoke about why they wanted to start a BSU, especially with all of the tragedies that have happened this summer. Serrano said, “Once he heard how passionate we were about it, I think that sparked up an interest”
Serrano said that all students are welcome to the BSU and that the goal of the club is not to alienate students. “It’s a club to bring people together, and it doesn’t exclude any race just because it called the Black Student Union,” Serrano said. The leaders said they simply want to spread light and advocate for Black people in America.
They have many activities in mind for the club and are hoping to get a few guest speakers to talk to the students. People like lawyers and police officers to talk to the club about knowing your rights and what to to when you have an encounter with law enforcement. And hopefully, if the world goes back to normal, do fundraisers and field trips.