SJC Welcomes Bro. Paul Avvento

Bro. Paul Avvento, FSC, begins his first year working at St. John’s this fall and is excited for all of the opportunities it offers. He will be teaching American Literature to sophomores, as well as having some administrative tasks.
This is Bro. Paul’s first job as a Brother. He got his Brothers Habit a year ago and only took his first vows a month ago. However, has been working in Catholic schools for a long time. He worked at a San Miguel school in San Francisco for 7 years, as well as a Catholic after-school program in the South Bronx for 3 years.
Bro. Paul says, “After years of thinking about becoming a Brother, I finally realized that I wouldn’t know if this was the life God was calling me to until I entered out of my comfort zone and took a leap of faith. While I have always believed in the work the Brothers do, I was most drawn to their life of community and faith.” He states that his time as a Brother has brought him closer to God and has been the happiest part of his life yet.
He was drawn to St. John’s because of the supportive community that he had been told about here and is very impressed by the students and faculty that he has met so far.
Bro. Paul is looking forward to practicing with the ice hockey team, as well as getting involved with the Campus Ministry. He plans to go on some of the retreats and service trips available SJC.
He is a self-proclaimed big sports fan, especially of hockey, baseball, and football. He also enjoys golfing, playing guitar, and of course, spending time with his Brothers.