The Role of a Lasallian Animator

St. John’s Latin teacher Ms. Murphy has taken on the role of Lasallian Animator for this school year. But what do you know about the role of a Lasallian Animator?
The responsibility of the Lasallian Animator at St. John’s is to help the school maintain La Salle’s spirit in the ways in which we teach and learn. Ms. Murphy said, “As our SJC Lasallian Animator, I am empowered to further the Lasallian charism in our ministry and I am dedicated to keeping the mind and will of the Founder evident in our mission.”
Ms. Murphy has taught Latin at St. John’s for eight years, but only took on the responsibilities of the Lasallian Animator this school year. She said that “already, within the first few weeks of the academic year, I can honestly say that the work of animation has brought me so much joy. Serving our faculty and staff in this capacity has been and will continue to be a true privilege.”
She has gone through significant training as a Lasallian educator, including attending the Buttimer Institute of Lasallian Studies at Manhattan College this summer along with Mr. McCarthy, Ms. Solera, and Ms. Fernandez. Through Lasallian educational experiences, Ms. Murphy says that she has learned a lot about the history of St. John Baptist de La Salle and how much we have in common with what he was teaching in the 17th century.
“DLS was brave in the face of challenges and conflict, dedicated to the mission and to the development of young people, consistent in his message and in his treatment of others, stern when needed to maintain the course of the mission, respectful to all regardless of conflict, and finally, faithful to God and to the path that he had been put on. Every time I have invested time into Lasallian formation, I have always been inspired and encouraged by the communities we build, our exchange of ideas, and by our Founder.”
Lasallian education is unique in its goals of meeting the individual needs of students and providing a strong education to students from all backgrounds. Murphy said, “We must be prepared to learn from the students we serve, and their lived experiences should inform our methods and challenge us to think and do differently. This is important work, to be sure!”
To celebrate our Lasallian heritage, the SJC staff will have opportunities to visit the La Salle Hall retirement community in Beltsville, MD, this October, January, and April. St. John’s will also host the District of Eastern North America event celebrating 300 years of Lasallian education on Nov. 8.