Three fun things to do during quarantine

The impact of COVID-19 was a shock to our community, nation, and world. It is very crucial to stay home and stay safe from this brutal virus. Many are bored and want answers to what is to come, but all we can do is hope. I’ve come up with several fun activities that will keep you motivated and occupied during this quarantine. Even though everyone has their different interests, it’s always good to try new things.
The first thing on my list is painting. Painting can spark inspiration and lead you to a fun new hobby. It’s a way to get your thoughts flowing and putting your creativity to work. Painting is very relaxing and stress relieving which is why I suggest trying to get start painting during the quarantine. It’s something you can do on a rainy day, a sunny day, or any day!
The second activity that will keep you motivate and keep you occupied during this quarantine is board games. Many people have forgot about board. games and how hyped people get while playing them. In today’s world we all play games electronically, but when you play board games it’s more interactive and better. I highly suggest getting your siblings and parents to play a fun board game because you will never get bored. It’s funny seeing your parents competitive side and trying to beat them in something that they grew up doing. Overall board games are honestly a good way to bond with your family and learn new things while having fun. Now, go dust off that old Monopoly and ask your parents to play.
The third and last thing on my list is to workout. It’s obvious that many people are slacking during this quarantine, but that doesn’t mean you should. Don’t you want to use this time to better yourself? Working out doesn’t mean you have to run 10 miles, but it can be a 10 min walk with your family. Just staying active is what will help you better yourself and keep you motivated. Working out relieves stress, keeps you healthy, and helps clear your mind. Working out has a numerous amount benefits, which is why you shouldn’t hesitate to get started.
I hope you take into consideration all these activities and try to incorporate them into your daily routine because after awhile your daily routine will need a little mix up. Keep your head up during this quarantine and stay positive. WE GOT THIS!