Two ways to volunteer during coronavirus

Regardless of your age or city you live in, you still have the ability to serve others. During desperate times like today, it’s always good to give back to your community. Those who lived paycheck-to-paycheck are struggling right now to provide for their families and need help. It’s our duty to give them the support they need to make it easier for them to live. I’ve found two trustworthy organizations that are great places to donate and serve.
The first Organization I found was the Mission of Love Charities (MOLC). The MOLC organization helps individuals and families stretch their low incomes by providing donated furniture, clothing and household amenities. During intake, MOLC assesses client needs and makes necessary referrals to resources in the community. MOLC also seeks donations of school supplies and backpacks. Now that we know what this organization is all about, how can we still give during COVID-19? Well, Mission of Love Charities continues to provide food to qualified low-income and homeless individuals, families and children who come to our facility. They still accept donations of food to stock their pantries and clothes, but they must be cleaned prior to donating. That being said, I highly recommend donating clothes, food, or any household amenities to Mission of Love Charities. Make spring cleaning fun and give to others!
The second organization that I found was A Wider Circle. I personally have donated to them and volunteered when I was in middle school to help transfer their donations. A Wider Circle mission is to end poverty through on-the-ground programs and services, as well as through the development of large-scale solutions to its root causes. Their holistic approach focuses on the creation of steady homes; workforce development; neighborhood revitalization; and the creation of greater awareness and engagement by the community, it is very easy to donate and easy to sign up to volunteer. It was an amazing experience working with them and a good opportunity to get involved. A Wider Circle is not stepping away from its mission in any way during this time, and is still helping while following the appropriate guidelines for safety and health. They are committed to serving with innovation through and after this crisis.