Writing Center here to help 'write' your wrongs
As we get further into the school year, students are beginning to write detailed essays in subjects such as literature, social studies, and science. Sometimes, though, students may need help getting started on their papers, which is where the SJC Writing Center comes in.
Proudly displaying itself as student-led with teachers’ assistance, the center is a place for students of all subjects to receive help and guidance. Based on the foundation of LaSallian principles, the Writing Center serves as an aid in shaping students’ writing rather than limiting students’ style. This helps students come into their writing style as they progress and that’s what makes the Center so necessary.
It’s the growth that makes the Writing Center so special. Additionally, as mentioned before, the Writing Center is student-led by seniors who have taken rigorous AP and Honors English courses prior to training. With this, all students at St. John’s are afforded the opportunity for peer review in which co-head of the Writing Center, Ms. Williams notes that it “empowers students to think from different angles”, which puts a dimension to their writing.
With options of peer and teacher review, the Writing Center does not fail to meet the needs of the SJC student body and can be accessed through scanning the QR code posted in the hallways, through the assistance of English teachers, and walk-in appointments available before and after school.