What's the update on service immersion trips?

Service Immersion trips are among the activities most disrupted by the pandemic. State and national governments have shut their borders to reduce infection rates, and thus state regulations and restrictions (let alone the health risks) make the trips a difficult act for our school to do. Thus, St. John’s was forced to cancel all scheduled service immersion (and all) trips last March.
Many students were understandably frustrated. Gradually, though, students began to understand the severity of the virus and why the service trips had to be cancelled, especially when Mr. Themistos called for a “two week break” starting on March 16th. After months of isolation, these students cleared the air and began thinking of the future: when would service trips be allowed again?
Mr Sipowicz, the head of Mission and Ministry at St. John’s said all refunds were taken care of in May and that parents had the opportunity to donate the trip costs if they wanted to. Furthermore, he mentioned that those students who missed their service trips because of the pandemic might get priority for future ones.
Mr. Sipowicz also said, “Saint John’s is looking to have some week-long service experiences in the D.C. area”. Each student would go home each night, and covid regulations would be observed. The school is looking to work with Catholic charities, possibly San Miguel to accomplish these miniature-missions.